PyTorch Developer Conference 2018
October 2, 2018

On October 2, artificial intelligence leaders from tech companies, universities, research organizations, and the community came together for the first-ever PyTorch Developer Conference. PyTorch is an open source machine learning library for Python, based on Torch, used for applications such as natural language processing. It is primarily developed by Facebook’s artificial-intelligence research group; Uber’s “Pyro” software for probabilistic programming is built on it.

The PyTorch event – featuring an impressive 37 separate presenters in a single day – was livestreamed from The Midway, located in the burgeoning Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco, CA. PyTorch featured tech talks from the core development team and project deep-dives from their active community of researchers and developers. It concluded with a lively panel which discussed the future of AI software.

Since the PyTorch community is comprised of many original thinkers, Facebook wanted to keep the event design organic and flowing. To achieve this colorful, undulating look, we rigged 1920 square feet of white muslin over the audience and utilized more than 70 lighting fixtures using 1055 DMX control channels to bring it “to life” and achieve different looks throughout the day.

With more than 350 attendees, the vibe was bustling and fast-paced, therefore, the meals had to keep stride. Food trucks were brought in to provide a wide array of taste temptations. Learn. Code. Consume. Repeat. It was a recipe for success in every way.

The PyTorch ecosystem has grown tremendously from its inception and we at FNTECH were delighted to help connect this dynamic community further with this ground-breaking event.